ANAGALIDE, SA is a company which has been working on applied chemistry bibliographical and experimental research since 1978.
Our origin was a familiar project: the study and development of possible applications for a group of tetracyclic triterpenic saponins, obtained from Primulaceae.
Along our history, we have carried out a research on applications and their development, in the field of natural products (triterpenic and steroidal Saponins, Carotenoids, Polyphenols, natural Alcohols), and in semisynthetic products (esters of Bixin, Lycopene) or synthetic (Canthaxantin, TBA chlorate).
Our work (bibliographical and experimental), sometimes obeys ideas and own projects, sometimes obeys requested works by third.
Without detrimental of our synthetic work, the best ANAGALIDE, SA´s knowledge is about natural products (preferably from botanical extraction) and semisynthetic processes (especially if it is hydrolysis, esterification or oxidation reactions).
In ANAGALIDE, SA, we practice an accepted chemistry in our time and in our planet as our slogan summarises (Chemistry with natural answers). We look for answers to the new chemical demands but learning from the solutions applied by nature for ages.