Publicaciones Aceite de semillas Comino negro – BCSO

Black cumin - comino negro

1. Eficacia antibacteriana de los extractos de Nigella sativa como irrigante del conducto radicular.
ABDAL A, (2006) The Antibacterial Effectiveness of Nigella sativa Extracts as a Root Canal Irrigant. Thesis. Council College of Dentistry/ University of Mosul. p20844.
2. Efecto de la suplementación con semillas de Nigella sativa sobre la producción y composición de la leche de oveja.
ABD-EL MOTY AKI, (2015) Effect of Nigella sativa Seeds Supplementation on Milk Yield and Milk Composition of Sheep. Egyptian J Sheep & Goats Sciences, 10 (1) 19-26.
3. Mejora productiva, estado inmunológico y actividad metabólica de terneros bovinos lactantes tratados con aceite de Nigella sativa.
ABDEL-HAFEEZ AM, et al, (2014) Productive performance, immune status and metabolic activity of suckling bovine calves treated with Nigella sativa oil. Egyptian J Agricultural Research, 92 (4) 1561-1574.
4. Aceite de Nigella sativa: un posible agente antifúngico prometedor en la fabricación de queso blando bajo en sal.
ABDEL-LATIF EF, et al, (2021) Nigella sativa oil: A promising prospective antifungal agent in the manufacture of low-salt soft cheese. Italian J Food Safety, 10 (4) 9862 1-6.
5. Evaluación de los efectos antidiarreicos y apetizantes de las semillas de Nigella sativa.
ABED N, et al, (2017) Evaluation of anti-diarrhoeal and appetizer effects of Nigella sativa seeds. World J Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (4) 163-172.
6. Revisión sobre el potencial terapéutico de Nigella sativa: una hierba milagrosa.
AHMAD A, et al, (2013) A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pacific J Tropical Biomedicine, 3 (5) 337-352.
7. Valor nutricional y función preventiva de Nigella sativa L. y su componente principal, la timoquinona, en el cáncer: una revisión basada en evidencia de estudios preclínicos y clínicos.
ANSARY J, et al, (2021) Nutritional Value and Preventive Role of Nigella sativa L. and Its Main Component Thymoquinone in Cancer: An Evidenced-Based Review of Preclinical and Clinical Studies. Molecules, 26 (8):2108 1-27.
8. Efectos dermatológicos de Nigella sativa.
ALJABRE SHM, et al, (2015) Dermatological effects of Nigella sativa. J Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery, 9 (2) 92-98.
9. Efectos del aceite de Nigella sativa sobre el sistema inmunológico de la trucha arco iris con diferentes métodos de aplicación.
ALTINTERIM A, DORUCU M, (2013) The effects of Nigella sativa oil on the immune system of rainbow trout with different application methods. J, 7 (3) 209-215.
10. Eficacia del extracto alcohólico de Nigella sativa en la inhibición de Candida Albicans y la formación de placa en prótesis dentales: un estudio in vitro.
ARIAMANESH H, et al, (2019) The Effectiveness of Nigella sativa Alcoholic Extract on the Inhibition of Candida Albicans Colonization and Formation of Plaque on Acrylic Denture Plates: an In Vitro Study. J Dentistry (Shiraz), 20 (3) 171-177.
11. ATTIA YA, (2015) Nigella seed oil as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters for broiler chickens. European Poultry Science, 79 1-13.
12. AYDIN R, et al, (2008) Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) supplementation into the diet of the laying hen positively influences egg yield parameters, shell quality, and decreases egg cholesterol. Poultry Science, 87 (12) 2590-2595.
13. AZIZI F, et al, (2019) Comparison of the effect of topical use of Nigella sativa oil and diclofenac gel on osteoarthritis pain in older people: A randomized, double-blind, clinical trial. J Herbal Medicine, 16: 100259 1-5.
14. BEKTAS ZH, et al, (2019) Using of Black Cumin Seed Powder (Nigella sativa) as Immunostimulant and Growth Promoter in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Turkish J Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19 (12) 987-999.
15. BAHARETHA HM, et al, (2013) Proapoptotic and antimetastatic properties of supercritical CO2 extract of Nigella sativa Linn. against breast cancer cells. J Medicinal Food, 16 (12) 1121-1130.
16. BESRA M, KUMAR V, (2018) In vitro investigation of antimicrobial activities of ethnomedicinal plants against dental caries pathogens. 3 Biotech, 8 (5):257 1-8.
17. BORDONI L, et al, (2020) Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Nigella sativa Oil Produced in Central Italy: A Comparison of the Nutrigenomic Effects of Two Mediterranean Oils in a Low-Grade Inflammation Model. Antioxidants, 9 (1) 1-13.
18. BORNARE DT, et al, (2015) Extraction and Utilization of Nigella Sativa L. Oil in Development of Value Added Cookies. IJERT, 4 (8) 386-389.
19. BOURGOU S, et al, (2010) Bioactivities of black cumin essential oil and its main terpenes from Tunisia. South African J Botany, 76 (2) 210-216.
20. BURITS M, BUCAR F, (2000) Antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa essential oil. Phytotherapy Research, 14 (5) 323-328.
21. BURT, S, (2004) Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods – a review. International J. Food Microbiology, 94 (3) 223-253.
22. BUTT AS, et al, (2019) Isolation of thymoquinone from Nigella sativa L. and Thymus vulgaris L., and its anti-proliferative effect on HeLa cancer cell lines. Tropical J Pharmaceutical Research, 18 (1) 37-42.
23 DAS SS, et al, (2022) Thymoquinone-rich black cumin oil improves sleep quality, alleviates anxiety/stress on healthy subjects with sleep disturbances- A pilot polysomnography study. J Herbal Medicine, 32, 100507.
24. DAADER AH, et al, (2002) Amelioration of heat stressed bouscat rabbits by feeding diurnally or nocturnally diets containing Nigella sativa L. or fenugreek. 3rd Scientific Conference of Rabbit Production in Hot Climates.
25. DEYAB FA, LAJI NM, (2007) Effect of Nigella sativa and Curcuma longa on experimental Eimeria tenella infections in chicks. Egyptian J Microbiology, 16 (4) 583-591.
26. EID AM, et al, (2017) A Review on the Cosmeceutical and External Applications of Nigella sativa. J Tropical Medicine, 1-6.
27. EL-AYEK MY, et al, (2002) Influence of substituting concentrate feed mixture by Nigella sativa meal on the performance of growing rabbits. 3rd Scientific Conference of Rabbit production in hot climates. 212.
28. EL-FAR AH, et al, (2014) Antioxidant and Antinematodal Effects of Nigella sativa and Zingiber Officinale. International J Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 26 (1) 222-227.
29. EL-HACK MEA, et al, (2021) Chapter 18: Nigella sativa Seeds and Its Derivatives in Poultry Feed. in Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Seeds: Chemistry, Technology, Functionality, and Applications, RAMADAN MF, (Ed) 365-296. Springer.
30. EL-HACK MEA, et al,(2016) Effect of gradual substitution of soyabean meal by meal on growth performance, carcass traits and blood lipid profile of growing Japanese quail. J Animal and Feed Sciences, 25 244-249.
31. EL-MANSY A, et al, (2018) Efficiency of cumin black seed (Nigella sativa) and Cinchona sp. on Polyonchobothrium clarias (Cestode) Paracamallanus cyathopharynx (Nematode) in vitro. Egyptian J Aquatic Research, 24 (1) 202-208.
32. EL-SAADANY SA, et al, (2008) Effect of supplementation of oregano or Nigella sativa seeds to diets of lactating zaraibi goats on milk yield and some physiological functions during summer season. Egyptian J Animal Production, 45 (Suppl) 469-487.
33. EL-SAYED A, et al, (2005) The seeds of Nigella sativa as a feed additive to male layer-type chicks: lack of hepato- and nephrotoxicity and failure of immunomodulation following vaccinations with paramyxovirus types 2 and 3 and only minor efficacy on spontaneous Eimeria tenella coccidiosis. European Poultry Science, 69 (1) 27-34.
34 FARHANGI MA, TAJMIRI S, (2020) The effects of powdered black cumin seeds on markers of oxidative stress, intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 37 207-212.
35. GHOLAMNEZHAD Z, et al, (2019) Clinical and experimental effects of Nigella sativa and its constituents on respiratory and allergic disorders.  Avicenna J Phytomed, 9 (3) 195-212.
36. GULER T, et al, (2006) The Effect of Dietary Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella sativa L.) on the Performance of Broilers. Asian Australasian J Animal Sciences, 19 (3) 425-430.
37. HADI V, et al, (2021) Nigella sativa in controlling Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, and rheumatoid arthritis diseases: Molecular aspects. J Research in Medical Sciences, 26:20 1-14.
38. HANAFY MS, HATEM ME, et al, (1991) Studies on the antimicrobial activity of Nigella sativa seed (black cumin). J Ethnopharmacology, 34 (2-3) 275-278.
39. HASSANIEN MF, et al, (2015) Health-promoting value and food applications of black cumin essential oil: an overview. J Food Science and Technology, 52 (10) 6136-6142.
40. HERMES IH, et al, (2011) Physiological Responses of Broiler Chickens to Dietary Different Forms and Levels of Nigella Sativa L., during Egyptian Summer Season. J Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, 4 (1) 4 17-33.
41. HOOBI NM, (2020) Effect of Black Seed (Nigella sativa) Extract on Release of Some Minerals from Human Enamel: An in Vitro Study. Indian J Public Health Research & Development, 11 (1) 1315-1319.
42. HUSEINI HF, et al, (2013) Blood Pressure Lowering Effect of Nigella sativa L. Seed Oil in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Phytotherapy Research, 27 (12) 849-1853.
43. HUSSAIN SA, et al, (2019) Nigella sativa Oil Mouth Rinse Improves Chemotherapy- Induced Oral Mucositis in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. BioMed Research International, 2019:3619357 1-10.
44. HWANG JR, et al, (2021) A review of Nigella sativa plant-based therapy in dermatology. International J Dermatology, 1-7.
45. ISLAM MT, (2017) Nigella sativa, a promising source of respiratory drugs. Boletim Informativo Geum, 8 (2) 16-25.
46. JAVIDI S, et al, (2016) A review of Neuropharmacology Effects of Nigella sativa and Its Main Component, Thymoquinone. Phytotherapy Research, 30 (8) 1219-1229.
47. KADHIM LI, (2017) Anticoccidial Effect of a Nigella sativa Seed-based Diet on Eimeria tenella Infection in Chickens. International J Poultry Science, 16 (8) 323-327.
48. KADHIM LI, et al, (2018) Influence of dietary supplementation of Nigella sativa on experimental coccidiosis in broiler chickens. J Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6 (1) 652-656.
49. KARIMI Z, et al, (2019) Nigella sativa and its Derivatives as Food Toxicity Protectant Agents. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 9 (1) 22-37.
50. KHABBAZI A, et al, (2020) A Systematic Review of the Potential Effects of Nigella sativa on Rheumatoid Arthritis. Planta Medica, 86 (7) 457-469.
51. KHAN SH, et al, (2013) Effects of black cumin seed (Nigella sativa L.) on performance and immune system in newly evolved crossbred laying hens. Veterinary Quarterly, 33 (1) 13-19.
52. KHONDOKER S, et al, (2016) Effect of Nigella sativa (Black Cumin Seed) to Enhance the Immunity of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Against Pseudomonas fluorescens. American J Life Sciences, 4 (3) 87-92.
53. KHOSRAVI AR, et al, (2011) Inhibition of aflatoxin production and growth of Aspergillus parasiticus by Cuminum cyminum, Ziziphora clinopodioides, and Nigella sativa essential oils. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 8 (12) 1275-1280.
54. KIARI FZ, et al, (2018) In vitro study on the activity of essential oil and methanolic extract from Algerian Nigella sativa L. Seeds on the growth kinetics of micro-organisms isolated from the buccal cavities of periodontal patients. Saudi Dental J, 30 (4) 312-323.
55. KUMAR P, PATRA AK, (2017) Beneficial uses of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seeds as a feed additive in poultry nutrition. World’s Poultry Science J, 73 (4) 872-885.
56. KURAA HM, et al, (2021) Evaluation of Prophylactic and Anticoccidial Effects of Black Seed and Garlic Extracts in Rabbits. World’s Veterinary J, 11 (1) 124-137.
57. LAUDADIO V, et al, (2022) Effects of different levels of dietary black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) and their combination on productive traits, selected blood constituents, microbiota and immunity of broilers. Animal Biotechnology, 33 (5)  941-954.
58. LEE SY, et al, (2011) Effect of Nigella sativa Oil on Melanogenesis. J Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea, 37 (4) 319-326.
59. LONGATO E, et al, (2015) Nutritional and zootechnical aspects of Nigella sativa: A review. J Animal and Plant Sciences, 25 (4) 921-934.
60. MAHBOUBI M, (2018) Natural therapeutic approach of Nigella sativa (Black seed) fixed oil in management of Sinusitis. Integrative Medicine Research, 7 (1) 27-32.
61. MAHGOUB SA, et al, (2013) Cold Pressed Nigella sativa Oil Inhibits the Growth of Foodborne Pathogens and Improves the Quality of Domiati Cheese. J Food Safety, 33 (4) 470-480.
62. MARAGHEHPOUR B, et al, (2016) Traditionally used herbal medicines with antibacterial effect on Aggegatibacter actinomycetemcomitans: Boswellia serrata and Nigella sativa. J Indian Soc Periodontol, 20 (6) 603-607.
63. MEKHEMAR M, et al, (2020) Nigella sativa and Thymoquinone: A Natural Blessing for Periodontal Therapy. Antioxidants (Basel), 9 (12):1260 1-20.
64. MOADDELI M, et al, (2021) Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Cumin (Nigella sativa) Seed Oil Extract as an Alternative Disinfectant of Dental Surfaces. Tabari Biomedical Student Research J, 3 (2) 9-14.
65. MOHAMMED NK, et al, (2020) Characterization of nanoemulsion of Nigella sativa oil and its application in ice cream. Food Science & Nutrition, 8 (6) 2608-2618.
66. MOHAMMED NK, et al, (2017) Quality changes of microencapsulated Nigella sativa oil upon accelerated storage. International J Food Properties, 20 (Sup 3) S2395-S2408.
67. MOHAMMED NA, (2012) Effect of Nigella sativa L. extracts against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus mitis in Vitro. J Baghdad College Dentistry, 24 (3) 154-157
68. MOHEBBATI R, ABBASNEZHAD A, (2020) Effects of Nigella sativa on endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus: A review. J Ethnopharmacology, 252:112585 1-9
69. MUSHATTAT SJ, ALARIDI JA, (2018) Effect Addition of the Extract Nigella sativa on the Histological and Physiological Changes of the Domestic Chicken Experimental Infected with Eimeria maxima. J Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 10 (8) 1934-1938.
70. MUSTIKA BR, et al, (2021) Pengaruh Krim Ekstrak Jinten Hitam (Nigella sativa) Terhadap Kecerahan Kulit. Konstelasi Ilmiah Mahasiswa Unissula (KIMU), 5 69-78.
71. NAKASUGI T, (2017) Deodorizing Substance in Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Seed Oil. J Oleo Science, 66 (8) 877-882.
72. NAUTIYAL OH, (2019) 46. Black Seed (Nigella sativa) Oil. in Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality. RAMADAN MF, (Ed) 839-857, Springer.
73. NEGI P, et al, (1919) Thymoquinone-loaded lipid vesicles: a promising nanomedicine for psoriasis. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 19:334 1-9.
74. OBEIDAT BS, (2020) The Inclusion of Black Cumin Meal Improves Growth Performance of Growing Awassi Lambs. Veterinary Sciences, 7 (2) E40 1-8.
75. ODHAIB KJ, et al, (2018) Influence of Nigella sativa seeds, Rosmarinus officinalis leaves and their combination on growth performance, immune response and rumen metabolism in Dorper lambs. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 50 (5) 1011-1023.
76. PAWASE PA, VEER SJ, (2020) Utilization of Black cumin seed (Nigella sativa L.) fractions on quality characteristics of cookies. International J Pharmacognosy and Life Science, 1 (1) 16-22.
77. PETRUJKIC BT, (2018) Nigella sativa L. as an alternative antibiotic feed supplement and effect on growth performance in weanling pigs. J Science of Food and Agriculture, 98 (8) 3175-3181.
78. RAFATI S, et al, (2014) Anti-microbial effect of Nigella sativa seed extract against staphylococcal skin Infection. Medical J Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI), 28 (42) 1-4.
79. RAFID KA, et al, (2015) The therapeutic effect of Nigella sativa L . seeds oil on experimentally infected rabbits with hepatic coccidiosis. The Iraqi J Veterinary Medicine, 39 (1) 16 -22.
80. RAGAB AA, et al, (2016) Effect of diet supplemented with pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) and black seed (Nigella sativa) oils on performance of rabbits. Egyptian J Agricultural Research, 94 (1) 149-169.
81. RAHEEM MA, et al, (2021) Response of lymphatic tissues to natural feed additives, curcumin (Curcuma longa) and black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa), in broilers against Pasteurella multocida. Poultry Science, 100 (5):101005 1-12.
82. RAMADAN MF, (2007) Nutritional Value, Functional Properties And Nutraceutical Applications Of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Oilseeds: An Overview. International J Food Science and Technology, 42 1208–1218.
83. ROSSI A, et al, (2013) Evaluation of a Therapeutic Alternative for Telogen Effluvium: A Pilot Study. JCDSA, 3 (3) 9-16.
84. ROZYLO R, et al, (2021) Black Cumin Pressing Waste Material as a Functional Additive for Starch Bread. Materials, 14 (16):4560 1-12.
85. RUDZINSKA M, et al, Blends of rapeseed oil with black cumin and rice bran oils for increasing the oxidative stability. J Food Science and Technology, 53 (2) 1055-1062.
86. SADEGHIMANESH A, et al, (2021) Inhibitory effects of Nigella sativa seed oil on the testosterone-induced benign prostatic hyperplasia in rats. Biomedicine (Taipei), 11 (1) 19-25.
87. SALIM EI, FUKUSHIMA S, (2003) Chemopreventive potential of volatile oil from black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seeds against rat colon carcinogenesis. Nutrition and Cancer, 45 (2) 195-202.
88. SALOMI NJ, et al, (1992) Antitumour principles from Nigella sativa seeds. Cancer Letters, 63 (1) 41-46.
89. SEDDIEK SA, METWALLY AMM, (2013) Anti-coccidial activity of Nigella sativa L. Assiut Veterinary Medicine J, 59 (138) 85-96.
90. SENTHILNATHAN K, et al, (2020) Evaluation of antibacterial activity of Nigella sativa seed extract against Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia. J Interdisciplinary Dentistry, 10 (2) 51-55.
91. SHAH SZA, et al, (2014) Comparative Anthelmintic Efficacy of Caesalpinia Crista, Nigella Sativa and Oxfendazole in Broilers with Experimentally Induced Ascaridia Galli Infection. Universal J Clinical Medicine, 2 (3) 53 – 57.
92. SHAHROUDI MJ, et al, (2017) Anti-Aging Effect of Nigella sativa Fixed Oil on D-Galactose-Induced Aging in Mice. J Pharmacopuncture, 20 (1) 29-35.
93. SHIRVANI H, et al, (2021) Potential role of Nigella sativa supplementation with physical activity in prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19: a contemporary review. Sport Sciences for Health, 17 849-854
94. SINGH G, et al, (2005) Chemical constituents and antimicrobial and antioxidant potentials of essential oil and acetone extract of Nigella sativa seeds. J Science of Food and Agriculture, 85 (13) 2297-2306.
95. SINGH V, et al, (2019) An evaluation of the efficacy of ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa L. (Kalonji) on the clinical parameters of moderate-to-severe gingivitis: A split-mouth clinical study. Ayu, 40 (3) 152-158.
96. SRINIVASAN K, (2018) Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and black cumin (Nigella sativa) seeds: traditional uses, chemical constituents, and nutraceutical effects. Food Quality and Safety, 2 (1) 1-16.
97. SUDHIR SP, et al, (2016) Nigella sativa seed, a novel beauty care ingredient: A review. International J Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research – IJPSR, 7 (8) 3185-3196.
98. SULTAN MT, et al, (2009) Nutritional profile of indigenous cultivar of black cumin seeds and antioxidant potential of its fixed and essential oil. Pakistan J Botany, 41 (3) 1321-1330.
99. SULTAN MT, (2009) Characterization of Black Cumin Seed Oil and Exploring its Role as a Functional Food. Thesis, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
100. VIUDA-MARTOS M, et al, (2011) In vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activities of essentials oils obtained from Egyptian aromatic plants. Food Control, 22 (11) 1715-1722.
101. YAGOUB BA, et al, (2010) Egg Yield and Quality in Laying Hens Fed Diets Containing Black Cumin Seed and/or White Wormwood Leaves. J Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9 (20) 2600-2603.
102. YOSHIOKA Y, et al, (2021)  Deodorant Activity of Black Cumin Seed Essential Oil against Garlic Organosulfur Compound. Biomolecules, 11 (12):1874, 1-13.